Science Museum - The Winton gallery

Trip to London - Euro Maths 2023


Author: Thibaut Vidal

Mathematics helps us understand statistics about our health and quality of life. Mathematics is even used to answer one of the biggest questions of all: when will we die? Nightingale ran British military hospitals in the 1850s Crimean War. Harriet Martineau created diagrams to show, at a glance, how many soldiers were dying of preventable causes.

In 1953 a devastating storm surge in the north sea caused the loss of thousands of lives and mathematicians studying the ocean went around the world to find people who could help understand what was going on one of them a japanese oceanographer Shizuo Ishiguro started to make this electronic model of the north sea result of all of this mathematics ,was that countless lives were saved.

The difference engine was invented by charles Babbage in the 1830s but he never managed to complete one the one on display in our galley was bought by the british government made by georgian and edvard scheutz and it was used to calculate mortality when people are likely to die and it put the insurance industry on the firmest mathematical footing.

Napier's rod Bill Philips economical machine

To conclude mathematics help a lot for counting life and death in the world. And nowadays everyone use mathematics counting death life whereas we can use mathematics for medical, everyjobs.